What is the Internet? - Definition & Development, Advantages, Losses, Explanation

 The Internet's full name is International Network, which was started by Wint Curf in 1950.  Who is called the father of the Internet.  Internet is a "network of networks" in which there are millions of private and public local to global scopes.

What is the Internet? - Definition & Development, Advantages, Losses, Explanation

 Internet is an important and efficient medium of communication, which has gained immense popularity.  Through the Internet, millions of people can share information, ideas, sound, video clips etc. with each other through the computer.  It is made up of networks of different sizes and types.

The data available on the Internet is controlled by protocol.  Through TCP / IP, a file is divided into several smaller parts by a file server, called Packets.  All computers on the Internet communicate with each other using the same protocol.

 Development of Internet: -

The current evolving form of the Internet is a result of the development of continuous networking since 1960. The US Department of Defense established the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) project with the aim of connecting computers in the fifties and sixties. The goal was to achieve technical superiority.  DARPA was initially known as ARPA.  In October 1962, DARPA formally went into computer networking research.

The first link of Arpanet (Advance Research Project AGRI Network) under this Network Project, was established on November 21, 1969 at the University of California and Standard Research Institute.

 Four nodes of this network were set up by December 5, 1969. In the year 1972, the official name of this project was changed from Alottanet to the entire development of ARPANET RFC (Request for Comment Process). Which is still happening in the Internet Protocol.

The hot software used in this is RFC1 which was written in April, 1969 by Steve Froker of the University of California. Arpanet was the first network combination Norsar out of America. Which was established in 1973 between America and Norway.

From 1984 to 1988, CERN had installed TCP / IP in all its main computers and workstations. Internet trend started after the year 1980.

 Internet ke Benefits :-

 The advantages of the Internet are the following.
  •  It allows other people to make contact easily.
  •  Through this, anywhere in the world, contact can be made.
  • Paper on publishing the document on the Internet is saved.
  • It is a precious resource for companies, on which they can advertise and transactions of business.
  • After accessing the same information several times it takes less time to search.

 Disadvantags of Internet :-

 Following are the disadvantages of Internet. 
  • This is the most responsible for viruses in computer.
  •  Messages sent over the Internet can be easily stolen. A lot of information is not verified.  Which can also be a wrong memory.
  •  Involuntary and improper documents or elements are sometimes used by wrong people (terrorists).
  •  Cyber ​​fraudsters can steal credit / debit card problem information and use it incorrectly.

 Internet Services :-

User can avail various types of services from internet.  Such as electronic mail, multimedia dबisplay, shopping, real time broadcasting etc.  Some of these important services are as follows.

Chatting :-

It is also a text based structure used at the macro level.  Through which users can interact with each other on the Internet, through this, users can share pictures, videos, audio etc. with each other.
 Such as- Skype, Yahoo, Messenger etc.

 Video conferencing :-

Through video conferencing, a person or group of people can have a face-to-face conversation with another person or group while they are away. 

 this Configuration requires a high-speed Internet connection.  Along with that, this camera also needs a microphone, a video screen and a sound system.

E-learning: -

This includes computer based training, internet based testing, online education etc.  In which information based on a topic is provided to the user in electronic form.

He can train himself by giving this information on any out medium or it is a means of acquiring knowledge from computer or internet.

 E-banking :-

Through this, the user can merge his bank account from anywhere around the world or is a good example of an automated system.

 In which the activities of the user (withdrawing capital, transfer, mobile recharge etc.) along with his bank account also happen.

 E-banking can help the Internet on any electronic device (PC, mobile etc.).

E- Shopping :-

 It is also called online shopping.  Any goods through which it uses;  One can buy books, clothes, household items, toys, hardware, software, and health insurance etc.

 In this, cash on delivery and e-banking (payment from the website on the computer itself) are used to pay the price of the goods purchased.  If can be done from anywhere around the world.

E-Reservation :-

It is used to reserve oneself or any other person for any goods or services on any website;  Such as - Railways Reservation, Airways, Ticket Booking, Hotel Rooms Booking etc.

 With this help, the user does not have to wait standing at the ticket counter.  You can do this from anywhere through the Internet.

 World Wide Web :-

World wide wave is the most important resource of internet.  On which information related to all subjects is available.  Web or world wide wave is a group of interconnected document pages and other resources available on the Internet.

 Pages or documents are interconnected by hyperlinks.  Interconnected pages are called web pages.  And the web pages are called samuh ko website.

Ek web page ko world wide web per dekhne ke liye web browser software is used.  A web browser is a type of client software.  The web address is typed by sending the address or URL of the page (Uniform Resource locator) on the web browser.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is used to contact a web page, HTTP is a type of protocol in which the computer serving the Internet is called the web-server and the web client using it.  Each web page is written in HTTP.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) :- 

An address expressing the name of a server or service on the Internet is called URL.  It is a fixed measure that expresses information on the Internet.  URL contains 4 parts.

(i) Protocol :-

 Protocol is the set of rules and methods for the process of transmitting data between any two notes of a computer network.

(ii) Server Name: -

It tells the pronoun accessed by the web browser, the desired stomach stores in the tank mentioned in this section.

(iii) File Name :-

This is the third part of the URL.  In this, the name of the store file is told in the server name mentioned in the second part, which has to be accessed and brought to the client machine.

(iv) File Path :-

In this section, the name of the directory is given before the name of the file and inside it is the list.

Web Browsing Software: -

Web Browsing Software is also called as web client from browsers which is provided jointly by Microsoft Corporation and many other companies.

These web browsing software are used to navigate in the World Wide Web and to view various ones.  Most browsers are freeware.

The first graphical web browser was Mosaic.  Which was made by Marc Andreessen.  The web browser has the following features.W

hen the URL address is given to the web browser, it is able to access the related information.
  1.  Web Browser is able to communicate with the web server using HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol).
  2.  Retrieving documents and formatting them in a system friendly manner are considered to be the main pillars of the functioning of a web browser.

what is the Electronic mail :-

In ancient times, there were limited means to communicate from one place to another or to send messages.  You used to send messages by pigeon or send it to person or send it to someone.

Gradually, the work of sending messages started by postal telegram (telegram), but all these means took a lot of time.  In the modern era, messages can be sent in a few seconds through electronic mail.

 It saves everyone time, labor and money.  E-mail is such a process.  Through which we can send and receive information to any computer in the world, we send messages through electronic files to an e-mail address.

By which that message is received on his e-mail, it works like this -

 How to Create Email id :-

 Let's learn how to create an email ID on Google.

 First of all we type Gmail in the address bar of Google and click on Google search.  In which sing is written in and Create An Account.

 Click on Create N account, which opens a form to create an ID.  As you see in the interface below.

1. Fill the first name and last name in the name.
2. Choose your username to choose your username.  Name by which you want to create ID.  Sometimes the name you want.  

If it is already registered in an ID, there will be some options for the second name, not written dua name, when a name comes, that is, the name given by you is not its register, then your name will be accept.

3. To create a password, choose a password of at least 8 digits.

4. Confirm by typing the same password again.

5. Type the tool pieces of text main Upar Diye Gaye both shabdon ko type kijiye.

6. Write the name of your country in the location.

7. Click on Accept in the turn off service and the question below.

8. Click on Next Step.

In this way, fill the required information in the next setup and click on Create.  Which creates our email ID which we can use in our work.

 Point to Remember :-

  1.  Internet is a network of computers.
  2.  Through this, we exchange messages / information.
  3.  Through the Internet, we can get information about various important information of the world from anywhere.
  4.  We can create our email ID, and exchange messages.

 Internet Browser :-

 Which Internet browser is required to run the Internet, almost all computers have an external explorer.  Such as Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google, Chrome etc.

Follow the following steps to connect to the Internet.
1. Click on the Start menu.
2. External Explorer screen opens.

 Website search :-

 There are companies to ask the website, which has Google, Ask.com, Yahoo etc. prominent.  This is called search engine.

In the address bar of the explorer, we type a search engine and click on search. Which opens his screen.  Like google.com.in

In it, we can open any website by typing the id as per our wish.  And can do related work, he can see.

 Regarding the address of the explorer, we can take a website directly and open it, but it is easily accessible from the search engine, because on clicking, a list of similar names appears on the screen, in that list, we can select the website as per our requirement.

Following are some popular browsers

(i) Mozilla Firefox: -

It is a free, open source web browser, designed for Jise Windows XP operating system and Linux operating system as well as Internet access on mobile devices.

 It has good facilities like Addons, Extensions, Themes, Tabs, Search spell check to find a word.

(ii) Google Chrome :-

It is a freeware web browser, run by the Google company.  Also bookmarks and settings in the browser Synchronization, wave standard support, security, Malware blocking,

 Tej Gati se internet access, aakarshak user-interface, desktop shortcuts for apps, automatic web page translation work color management ke sath sath anya sabhi paramparagat visheshtaen bhi uplabdh  hai.

(iii) Internet Explorer: -

 Internet Explorer is a popular web browser, created by Microsoft company.  Internet Explorer, Windows, Macintosh operating system ke sabhi sanskaran mein upyog Hota Hai.

(iv) Netscape Navigator: -

Netscape Navigator Wavebrowser is built by Netscape Communication.  Netscape navigator, windows, macnitosh and unix operating system ke sabhi sanskaran ke liye uplabdh hai.

(v) Lynx :-

 lynx is a text-based web browser, created by the University of Kansas.  It is suitable for main dates based internet connection, such as dial-up text only account etc.  Through this web browser, you can view documents in color or graphics online.

 Search Engine: -

 Search engine is a software through which information is searched from the Internet at will.  The construction of the first search engine started at McGill University in 1990, with WAIS (wide area information serve) and Gopher jointly moving forward.

He worked to sort the information available on the Internet.  Gopher was invented at the University of Minnesota, USA.  It is a user-friendly interface, through which the user exchanges programs and information over the Internet.

Gopher searches the user's desired information and programs and presents it to the user.
Following are the details of some popular search engines.

(i) Google: -

 It is a popular search engine with many unique features available.  It has such a feature.  Which provides automatic facility to find and load the most probable match.

This is the reason that Google is skilled in finding the best matching website in a search.  To use the facility, type the company name in the search box and click on the 'I am feeling Lucky' button.

(ii) Yahoo: -

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